Install APT on CentOS

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Installing APT in CentOS

I'm a regular user and supporter of all Linux Distro's. From using all the different distributions you run into favoring certain tools that may not be in other distributions. The last time I needed APT on a CentOS machine was about a month ago and the command:

yum install apt

worked perfectly fine! Now when I try the above listed command I get:

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * addons:
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Setting up Install Process
No package apt available.
Nothing to do

This is absolutely not what I want. I want apt to install. So first we need to get some new repositories installed. Look below for you CentOS distribution and use the command underneath to install the RPM Forge repositories:

#  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 / i386:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 / x86_64:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 / i386:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 / x86_64:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 / i386:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 / x86_64:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2 / i386:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Linux 9 / i386:

rpm -Uhv
# Red Hat Linux 7.3 / i386:

rpm -Uhv

Now running the command:

yum install apt

Success! The apt software installs fine. The normal commands listed below for APT work fine now:

apt-get install "packagename_no_quotes"

Installing the RPM Forge repositories allows a lot more software to be available to you. Installing these repositories will also allow you to install YUM, if you system uses apt-get to install software packages and the yum package isn't immediately available with using command:

apt-get install yum

--Linux Box Solutions | Open Source For All Your Business Needs 19:34, 2 October 2010 (EDT)

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